the new holy crap

Alright, we're going to try to rejuvenate this thing one more fall instead of rashly pulling the plug. Welcome back. Hope everyone had a good summer! Here's the news: We are now welcoming comments from the public. The long-time contributors are still the primary dialogue-thrusters but we are ready to hear from others, should they ever wander by.

So let's remember the ground rules. This is dialogue. Dialogue means respect, humility, grace, and a united commitment to truth that relentlessly involves listening as much as it involves saying your piece. Consider this a good opportunity to learn better what it might mean to speak the truth in love! I don't know about you, but I could certainly use a bit of work with both. May God have mercy, may God bring the holy.

Looking forward to hearing from the old gang of "crappers" and new contributors alike. Welcome to the dialogue! (love, Fear)

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Sorry things trailed off for awhile there folks. We're still taking suggestions on where to go from here, but in the meantime, we're back with a new topic:

Heaven. What is it?
Pearly gates and streets of gold? Does it come here or do we go somewhere else? Perfection? What is that? Worshiping God and enjoying him forever? What does that mean? Singing choruses and playing Bibleopoly with Jesus? What is this eternal bliss all about?

It used to be the basis of the faith to hold up heaven and hell and say: Where do you want to go? We're less sure what to do with that now, partly, I'd say, because it is unquantifiable escapism and really feels like it has little sticking power for a person's faith and little relevance to day-to-day life. Yes, we live in the hope of heaven, but what is that? What are we hoping for?

Does the Bible want us to think about heaven? What does it want us to think of it? What texts give you your notions of heaven and what do you imagine it to be? Give us your theological insights and your day-to-day heavenly lifestyle speculations.

This one is for the imagination and speculation, since there are more questions than answers. Give us your honest ideas and even your hopes (i.e. I hope we get to play frisbee there a lot).

With all of it we'll try to reflect on what stands up to Scripture.

And while you are at it, give us the top three "Bible heroes" and "saints" you would like to have words with in heaven.