Creeds offer us a succinct statement of faith. They help us to understand who we are and what we stand for, and they set a standard to help us create boundaries. Creeds help us to...
- shape our beliefs,
- affirm our faith,
- define the church,
- worship appropriately, and
- mitigate heresy.

One of the best known creeds, the Apostles Creed, has stood for centuries as a definition of the Christian church. Other creeds, like the Nicene Creed, were designed to define the divinity of Christ.
Creeds are powerful and succinct. When many people could not read, creeds were a memorable way to summarize their belief system. Today, creeds can act for us as a series of hooks from which we build our theologies. They leave just enough open to celebrate the multiple dimensions of the church while clarifying just enough to ensure that we avoid heresy.
But creeds are far from perfect. They're not inspired (in the same way that Scripture is) and while they may focus on one topic (like the divinity of Christ) other topics get pushed aside. There's little mention of the character of God the Father or the work of the Holy Spirit in the Apostles Creed. And they are old. I like the terms "from whence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead" and "... the Holy Catholic church" but those terms aren't recognized anymore for what they were meant to portray.
So for this topic, we're not going to discuss a topic; instead...
let's create a new creed... a creed for the 21st century.
Over the next three weeks, let's talk about some of the following things...
In week one (March 26 - April 1) we should talk about the content.*
- What do we like about creeds. What needs to change?
- Is there a creed we can build off of or should we start fresh?
- What topics need to be mentioned and what do not?
- What heresies do we need to address today?
- How should it be formatted?
- Is there a succinct way to state the specific beliefs we want to address?
- Now that the creed is all together, are there glaring omissions? Does it makes sense? Should it be rephrased or rearranged?
*The small print: This week-by-week calendar is not a strict rule, just a guideline to give us some structure in an activity that is completely new for each of us. Also, I don't want this to seem rushed. Fear and I might consider extending this post's timeline a bit if we find that we need more time. Fortunately, when it comes to creeds, we can stand on the shoulders of giants. Let's aim to create a creed we can generally agree on and be willing to live by. In fact, we'll post it as "The Holy Crap Creed" when we're done.